Лигатура ENLIGHTENED (набор)

15 556

Лигатура номер 1 в мире.

Категория: Метки: ,


The reference ligature for saxophone and clarinet mouthpieces. You’ll feel like your mouthpiece has improved in every way.  It has only three points of contact with the mouthpiece allowing for incredible resonance. “The Sax” Magazine rated the Enlightened Ligature #1 in the world when testing all available ligatures in the market:

“The Enlightened Ligature has a very quick response. It has a wide range of dynamics and its articulation clearly responds. The design is very simple and cool looking. The Theo Wanne Enlightened Ligature had the best rating and was my favorite to play.” Full Article (pdf)

It also utilizes the  best pressure plate system in the world.  Titanium, Stainless Steel, Vintified, Heavy Copper and Gold (on ligature) pressure plates, Theo Wanne™ screwdriver and spare pressure plate screw are included!

Find the right size Enlightened Ligature for your mouthpiece, and see instructions below:




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